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Image by Daiga Ellaby


We spend a lot of time rejuvenating our face and

neck, however it easy to forget hands become neglected and the tell tell sign of ageing.


The skin on the backs of the hands is just as sensitive and susceptible to drying out as skin on other areas of the body.


The treatment includes, cleansing the hands, scrub, manual hand micro needling using hyaluronic acid serum


Best results will come with a commitment of a 3 treatment course however effects will be evident from 1 treatment.

Treatment Summary


Procedure Time: 30-40 minutes 

Anaesthetic: Topical numbing cream (Subject to)


Pain: None to mild.


Side Effects: Erythema Effect. 


Recovery Time: 1- 2 Days. Do not use abrasive chemicals during this time


Results: 2-4 Days


Duration of Results: Monthly – OnGoing


Cost: £50



£25 deposit taken. This will be used against treatment.


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