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Highly effective treatment encouraging the reproduction of collagen, elastin and new skin tissue. The procedure involves the use of tiny almost microscopic sterile needles. By piercing tiny holes in the skin, creating micro channels thus allowing us to introduce a cocktail of high grade serums to the skin, specifically targeting your concerns.


This treatment lends itself to several benefits. From rejuvenation of the skin when it has lost its lustre and radiance, helping treat damage from sun exposure, refinement in texture and aid the appearance wrinkles whilst potentially reduce acne scaring.


This treatment is useful for any concerns on the body such as stretch marks, scars, pigmentation, ageing signs of the hands or chest area.


Venom offers a deluxe package for the treatment, this will include a superficial AHA chemical peel followed with cool collagen mask after the treatment.


Best results will come with a commitment of a 3 treatment course however effects will be evident from 1 treatment.

Treatment Summary


Procedure Time: 30-40 minutes.

45-50 minutes Deluxe

Anaesthetic: Topical numbing cream (Subject to)


Pain: None to mild.


Side Effects: Erythema Effect.


Recovery Time: 1-2 Days.


Results: 2-4 Days


Duration of Results: Monthly – OnGoing


Cost: £65 – 1 Treatment

Cost: £85 – 1 Deluxe Treatment- Includes an Esthemax Hydro Jelly Mask


£50 deposit taken. This will be used against treatment.


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